He created this amazing song called "Happy" and paired it with this even more amazing 24-hour music video. Yeah, 24-hours. The video basically ruined any sort of productivity that I could have had today. The videos are all so incredibly addicting. For those who haven't seen it, the video consists of a person, or a group of people happily dancing to the song "Happy."
I don't even like the video because I think that it's some amazing piece of art. I like it because of how it makes me feel: Happy. After watching some of the 24-hour video, it essentially reminded me of the awesome fact that there are still fantastic, energetic, and unique people in the world.
Another thing, the song is about 4 minutes. The song played non-stop for 24 hours. That means that the song played 360 times. 360 different people did their own thing to this song. 360 moments of pure love and awesomeness. 360 different moments of vulnerability. It's also a wonderful feeling to think about the group of dedicated people who put together this project. Kudos to those dedicated mo'fos.
You can head over to www.24hoursofhappy.com to actually watch the 24-hour music video. Or, you can click play below and see the official video that consists of a bunch of shorter clips from the 24-hour video along with a lot more of Pharrell. Enjoy!